Here you can find information on some of my current and finished projects.
Toshiko Narusawa, John Shook: Kaizen Express. Die Grundlagen für Ihre Lean-Reise. Lean Management Instituut 2023.
Online Dutch courses
for students in the German-speaking area
every summer, on behalf of Taalunie, together with Adriana Fuchs-Franke and Daniela Meijer
Tina Favache: Aufräumen mit System. Schritt für Schritt Ordnung im Haushalt schaffen. mvg 2019.
Book evaluations
for German-language publishers
assessment of Dutch and English fiction and nonfiction
Thé Tjong-Khing: Henry bei den Dinosauriern. Moritz Verlag 2018.
Text creation and
creative translation
e.g. for websites
topics include:
artisan carpetry
web design and development
bookkeeping and tax advice
James Pearson, Caroline Ciavaldini: Passion Klettern. Die spektakulärsten Routen der Welt. Bruckmann 2017.
Language and style advice
for writers of academic papers
topics include:
cultural studies
music industry
nursing studies